ADHDid, ADHDidn't
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The constant blankness and staring into space on some days, having issues focusing in certain situations, finding myself pausing a particular task just to do something unrelated to the task I was doing, zoning out and letting my mind roam. Taking hours to complete a seemingly daunting task only to realize that I could have finished it in ten minutes, solving my maths problems with longer methods because I just didn't understand the shorter methods, randomly wanting to just scream, run jump and use up all my adrenaline. It felt eccentric, it felt different and I still think I am a gifted child. The internet is a wild place. My TikTok fyp and ADHD have been having a field day whenever I open up the app to watch videos. Everyone is mentioning certain character and personality traits I possess and labelling them as markers of ADHD. For the longest time, I couldn't place my hand on it but I knew somethings just didn't align; my thoughts