Black pens. I probably think of you more often than I think of them and God knows how much I love black pens. I have probably compared you with cold chilled sprite which I wouldn't do on a normal day because I could kill for a bottle of cold chilled sprite. My heart is a canvas; like the night sky with stars all around and each star is beginning to look more and more like you with every passing day. I kick my legs and giggle like a little child whenever your name pops up on my phone screen; I'm getting good at these giggles. I get motion sick, something I am slowly outgrowing except for bits and pieces that trigger it but now my head runs in a frenzy; a 100 on the dash just because you exist. Every story I want to tell I'd rather fill them with you not just because you're story material but because you're a beautiful spectacle to behold. Just as chocolates melt on my tongue, your name does too. It rolls off my tongue so easily, so beautifully and well it makes so m...