ADÉTỌ́LÁ... again for all time


I love iced tea. Not just iced tea but flavoured iced tea. I can’t exactly say when iced tea became my favourite drink because, for the longest time, I liked Fanta. After all, oranges were my favourite fruits and the Fanta soda always coloured my tongue orange, it was somewhat satisfying. I usually have different snack eras; a period where I’ll prefer a particular snack for a long time. It was usually that way with the biscuits and cookies I ate; for a month, you could catch me buying a particular biscuit or cookie, jokes on you if you thought that was my favourite biscuit; I’m as fickle as it gets. Iced tea, yeah iced tea; I drink other non-alcoholic drinks excluding Coke, Pepsi and any other black soda, they are really not my forte, a whole gassy situation if you get me. My all-time most preferred soda is Sprite; the joy these lemon and lime sodas give me, you could give me a Sprite and become my forever friend.

My favourite food is Ẹ̀bà. Don’t judge me yet, I’m just a victim of circumstance. In case you might not know what Ẹ̀bà is; it is a swallow made from Garri and hot water, easy-peasy stuff. If you decide not to like me again because of my choice of food then you’re homophobic. I don’t like fish, I don’t understand why people like fish and I don’t understand why people eat fish. I’m not in any way dissing fish lovers; I’m just expressing my feelings after all there’s freedom of opinion. I don’t dislike Crayfish but there’s this thing about me not seeing it in my food; its either it’s blended to paste before it’s added to the food or you don’t bother adding it in; let’s say its trust issues coupled with PTSD. The story behind this is funny because I may be the only one who remembers what happened that day, the other party might not. My mommy had proposed we eat yam porridge that day saying she would include crayfish as part of the condiments for the porridge. I literally begged her to let’s blend the crayfish and she agreed; let’s get straight to the point, the first spoon of my porridge was 60% yam and 40% whole crayfish; I spat out the whole spoon and stayed hungry. I’m a certified picky eater, it’s not something I’m entirely proud of but it has just become a part of my bad food habits.

  My favourite food is Ẹ̀bà. Don’t judge me yet, I’m just a victim of circumstance.

I draw my style inspiration from studs; at least that’s what my princess called the woman I made my style icon. I love comfort when I decide on my clothes but I love when my look is giving what it’s supposed to give. In this aspect, I’m as fickle as it gets too; I could be a dressy princess today not extremely but I could pull that off and be a tomboy tomorrow, it depends on my mood for real.  I love vibrant colours on other people but I’ll settle for dark colours when it comes to me. I am a little too selective when picking clothes, there’s always this immediate affinity for masculine-looking outfits and they are at the top of my scale of preference.

What else?

It’s not news that I am a B.Sc. holder in Biochemistry. The plan was never biochemistry; the original plan was to be a doctor, a paediatric doctor to be specific. I have a thing for children, especially babies and toddlers; they are so fun to be around until they start biting you. “Man proposes but God disposes”; you thought that was what I wanted to say? You thought wrong because my own situation was “Man proposes but ASUU destroys”. Reality sunk in and I whisked myself to a private university and here we are. Biochemistry is tough, university is tough; don’t let people lie to you. They say that it’s not do or die when in the actual sense it is keep doing until you die. There are always survivors and you have to strive to be one, it is very important to survive. Science says survival of the fittest, elimination of the unfit, no loose guard or else school go chop your eye.

I love shoes and I was born on a Monday. Funny right? I complain too much about Mondays for a child born on a Monday but it’s all good and you can call me Mondaylia. The circumstances around my birth were funny. My parents had a plan of their own but God and I had a plan of our own, call it Teamwork! I was supposed to be an indigene of Ogun state by birth but God said “No girl! You gon be that Ekiti girl through and through.” And I was like “Tell’em Abba!” too much hype for a baby in heaven don’t you think? So that’s how my mother birthed me in Ekiti state, I am an almost Convention baby for as many that can relate to what I just said.

Now let’s talk about love, I’m avidly single…searching with half a heart and training myself with my full heart. I am open to love but am I open to give love? I can’t answer that yet because I don’t think I have an answer to that yet hopefully, I find my answer on this wild journey of self-discovery. My life is a subtle comedy because I laugh at some scenarios in my little space. I met a man who started talking to me about the importance of finding my own person at this stage of my life and just in case you weren’t filled in the stage is the stage of serving my fatherland; NYSC or green khaki pants…yay! He pried it out of me and I admitted I was single then he went to ramble about me giving him a chance and how we would make a great couple. Don’t fault me I laughed…it was really funny anyways. It was that same week that one of my older friends decided to hit me with the statement “Instead of holding man you are holding mic” because I sent him a sticker of a little girl holding a microphone…sigh, you might want to ask “Adetola where are your tears?” I enveloped them because princesses don’t cry. It is well.

Above all these I am more than a conqueror through Christ that loves me…the greatest feeling on earth. Life has been taking me through a wild roller coaster ride and I am loving it! I love it a little too much because who wants to love my life apart from me? Every new day with new and beautiful possibilities with chances of me dying below zero but still existing, I am a grateful soul every beautiful day.

It's a few weeks to my birthday and when I say the 2nd decade in your life is one of the best don’t believe me because I haven’t even gone far and I can’t paint any picture for you. But make your everyday count.

Are you still curious about me? That makes two of us because I am curious about me too.

Till later.

All my love,


Hey, my loves,

I remember writing about myself some time last year and I was glad I could share pieces of my heart with you all.

I’m back again with Adetola; not just a story for days but a story for all time.

I hope you enjoy reading me.

Before I bounce our musical stories for this round

False Confidence by Noah Kahan

Don’t Ask Cuz I Don’t Know by Jon Bellion

Count Me Out by Kendrick Lamar.

See you…


  1. At some moments, I couldn't help laughing. At other moments..... "Hmmmm".

    I like your perspective on life.

    Amazing one! Completely loved it

    1. I really happy that you loved it.
      Thank you so much ☺️


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