"Hello" he said to me.
No, he didn't talk to me, he didn't exist and I was just delusional about everything.
Life goes on like a track on repeat, same beat, same sound and the same lyrics or so I thought.
"Maya? Maya Alfredo?" the voice sounded like deep waves and the sunset, that's if the sunset had a sound. "Yes?" my small, quiet voice was able to birth a response. "The professor Asia's for you." He replied as his blue eyes fell on my brown ones, "Which professor?" a question I could answer with my eyes closed but I wanted to hear his voice. "Professor Niall." he answered slowly walking out of the classroom. My delusion soared to the roof; 'I just need him to notice me.' that was all.

"Maya" his voice didn't sound like deep waves or the sunset, it was stern more like an iron gate, you probably wouldn't know how an iron gate sounds or will you? Not the creaking sound it makes while it moves but the sound it makes when it's immobile; you probably wouldn't know.
I looked at him and stared into his blues eyes, it felt more like staring into his soul; the soul that bore no affection for me but I was trapped in my state of delusion. "It's uncomfortable in classes. I feel like you're always staring at me, could you stop doing that please?" he stared at me coldly making the whole class to stare at me in turn. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." My expression was blank till I walked out of the classroom. 'Why wouldn't he just notice me in a good light?' I thought to myself and the pain became unbearable.

"Maya?" Five years down the line and I heard the voice that sounded like deep waves and the sunset. He had changed,nthe blue eyes I once admired looked sickly, he was gaunt and his skin looked dry. In order to keep up with my delusion, I asked the most stupid question of the century; "Who are you?" "It's Daniel, your classmate from uni." he replied calmly and it was only then I heard his laboured and heavy breathing. "Daniel?" I asked just to be sure of if it was him or not, it definitely was him but my mind couldn't take in this image of him. He smiled painfully whilst staring at me. "It's been a long time, I heard you dropped out of uni." I patronized him, slowly but steadily. I was curious as to what happened to him over time. "I did drop out, cancer really does change a person a lot." He smiled cautiously again. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, how do you feel now?" I sympathized but patronized alongside. "I guess it gets worse for some people." he replied staring at the walkway through the restaurant's window. "I have to go Maya, it was nice seeing you again." I smiled at him "Same here." He stood up to leave and my delusion snapped like a rubber band retracting me to reality.

The slight knock on my desk woke me up and I was greeted with honey brown eyes. 
"Hello" he said to me.

Hello Lovelies❤️
The Deepsea Writer here and always.
A story about how Delusion isn't the Solution.
Staying Delulu can't always be the Solulu.
Life doesn't want what we want for ourselves.
I hope you see this world in my perspective right after yours.

Musical Stories for this round

Only Hurting Yourself by Shaya Zamora
Nothing Breaks Like Heart by Mark Ronson × Miley Cyrus
Nobody Gets Me by SZA

All my love,


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